The 5 main objectives of the Club Exocytose-Endocytose

To promote the development of scientific researches in the fields related to Exocytosis and Endocytosis

To foster exchanges between French and European researchers especially for the organisation of meetings, seminaries and other events deemed useful by the Club

To broadcast knowledge and original results concerning Exocytosis and Endocytosis

To be in the conditions favoring local and international collaborations

To contribute to make these fields progress scientifically and technically

To become a member, click here :

Office’s members: Delphine Muriaux (IRIM, Montpellier), president - Stéphanie Lebreton (Institut Pasteur, Paris), vice-president - Maité Montero (Inserm U1239, Université de Rouen), secretary - Gaëlle Boncompain (Institut Curie, Paris), treasurer - Julien Saint-Pol (Université d’Artois, Lens), webmaster. @clubexoendo
